10 Reasons Why I Love Lena Dunham

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1. She created one of my fave tv shows, Girls. (It's set in New York so I'm going to love it) 

2. She is fricking hilarious, sometimes I just scroll down her twitter for a lol... 

3. She's a pro choice advocate and a feminist. 

4. She isn't scared to speak her mind.

5. Her platinum blonde hair is cool as hell.

6. She doesn't take herself too seriously, case in point: this picture on her instagram. I feel like we all should take a leaf out of her book. 

7. She is a brilliant role model.  

8. Her dog is adorable.

9. She's extremely honest about her past and personal experiences which I love and in turn makes her very relatable.

10. She is generally a cool gal and I find her very inspiring.  

Lena do you want to be my best friend? 


(All images sourced from tumblr)

1 comment

  1. She's so cool, love her confidence and how she is not afraid to speak out x
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