My name is Nicola, I am 21 and I am a Birmingham City University Graduate. I studied Fashion Retail Management (which has now being renamed as Fashion Business & Promotion, this name is a lot more suitable for the course!). I am coming to the end of student life and looking for work in communications/social media/PR. I am a whizz on In Design/ Photoshop and pinning layout/editorial designs on Pinterest is my guilty pleasure.
If you would like to know more, get in touch!
or email me! nicolamcgregor@live.co.uk

About Me
Nicola / Fashion Business Graduate.
- 10 reasons
- advice
- afternoon tea
- avocados
- bar
- bills
- bodega
- cafe
- celebrities
- creative design
- currently loving
- editorial
- graphic design
- guacamole
- inspiration
- layout
- lena
- letters to july
- life
- london
- mixtape
- music
- new york
- personal
- photo diary
- recipe
- restaurant
- review
- role model
- sam smith
- top five
- travel
- university
- vogue
- youtube
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